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Honeywell Xenon 1902h 无线二维影像扫描器 产品概述 特性及优点: 长续航电池,无需工具即可拆卸: 每次完全充电状态下可支持50,000 次扫描,确保最大的正常工作时间; 指轮端盖设计,无需工具即可接触电池,使员工能够快速方便地更换电池 灵活的无线电电源管理: 允许用户限制扫描器的无限电电源输出,将与其他设备相互干扰的可能性降到最低 可消毒机身外壳: 坚固耐用的设备结构,能够很好地抵御刺激性化学物质的有害影响,保护设备投资 Remote MasterMind 扫描器远程管理软件: 一款快速方便的解决方案,满足了IT管理员在一个固定地点管理网内所有扫描器的需求 垂直底座: 最大限度的缩减占用空间,支持演示扫描,使扫描器更适宜如配药房等地方的使用 附件: CBL-500-300-S00 Cable: USB, black, Type A, 3m (9.8'), straight, 5V host power CBL-020-300-C00 Cable: RS232 (5V signals), black, DB9 Female, 3m (9.8'), coiled, 5V external power with option for host power on pin 9 CBL-120-300-C00 Cable: RS232C (+/-12V signals), black, DB9 Female, 3m (9.8'), coiled, 5V external power with option for host power on pin 9 CBL-220-300-C00 Cable: RS232 (+5V signals); black, DB9 Male; 3m (9.8'), coiled, external power with option for host power on pin 9 CBL-420-300-C00 STD Cable: RS232 Aux, black, 3m (9.8'), coiled, for connection to Honeywell Stratos scanners CBL-500-500-C00 STD Cable: USB, black, Type A, 5m (16.4'), coiled, 5V host power CBL-503-300-C00 STD Cable: USB, black, 12V locking, 3m (9.8'), coiled, 5V host power CBL-600-400-C00 STD Cable: IBM 46xx Port 9b, 12V Power, coiled, 4m (13.1') CBL-720-300-C00 Cable: Keyboard Wedge (KBW), black, PS2, 3m (9.8'), coiled, 5 V external power with option for host power 300001630 Holder Kit: Plastic bracket facilitates mounting of scanner to wall, 2 mounting screws included in kit STND-08R00-000-4 STD Stand: gray, 8cm (3") height, rigid rod, weighted base, Xenon cradle STND-15R00-000-4 STD Stand: gray, 15cm (6") height, rigid rod, weighted base, Xenon cradle STND-22F00-001-4 STD Stand: gray, 22cm (9") height, flexible rod, weighted base, Xenon cup |
条码打印机,标签打印机,条码扫描器,条码标签,不干胶标签,条码色带,碳带,条码打印头,条码连接线,数据采集器,证卡打印机,条码检测仪,条码软件 |